Three Common Reasons Why A Car Accident Attorney May Decline To Take Your Case
Before an auto accident injury attorney takes on your car accident case, they will meet you with for what is referred to as a consultation. This consultation allows you to get to know the attorney, but also allows the attorney to get to know you and the details surrounding your case. A personal injury attorney has the right to decline to take on any case, and in some cases, may not even tell you why they have declined to take on your case. If an attorney has declined to take on your case, you may find yourself wondering why. Here are a few of the common reasons why a car accident attorney may decline to take on a case.
Proving Liability or Fault Is Difficult With Your Case
One of the reasons why a car accident attorney may decline to take on your case is because proving liability or fault may be difficult with your case. You may state that the driver that hit you ran a red light, but witnesses may state otherwise. Unless there is camera footage of the accident, overcoming this type of situation may be challenging. Some attorneys won't take on cases that are not slam dunk cases or take on cases where it may be difficult to show liability or fault.
The Amount of Money is Not High Enough
Another common reason why a personal injury lawyer may decline to take on your case is because they simply do not think there is enough money for them. Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis. This means that they get a portion, typically one-third, of your settlement amount. If you had minimal injuries, your settlement amount may not be high. If a lawyer does not think the case is worth their time, they may not take it on.
Your Case is Too Old
The final reason why a car accident attorney may decline to take on your case is because the case is too old. You have a limited amount of time to file a claim after your car accident. If you fail to file by this deadline, there is nothing that can be done to help you. A lawyer will always decline a case if the statute of limitations has tolled on your case. A personal injury attorney has the right to decline to take on any case. However, not every law firm declines the same cases. If one law firm declines to take on your case, another may see things differently and be willing to take on your case. As such, if one personal injury lawyer has declined your case, you should consult with another to see if you have a viable case.