
What happens when something you buy off of an individual causes someone that you love to suffer from serious injuries? Learn what to do.

Keys To Dealing With A Semi Truck Accident

31 July 2015
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The road can be a scary place to be at times, especially during rush hour. There are blind spots that impede your visibility, and sometimes you may get hit by a trucker. In order to deal with this situation, you need to consider these tips. Remember Important Details After the accident has taken place and you determine that everyone is okay, you need to remember important details from the accident. How fast were you going? Read More …

Financially Surviving End Stage Renal Disease

29 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

The process for receiving Social Security disability can be a long and arduous one that often requires legal help. If you suffer from renal failure, you need to explore your disability options before you reach end stage status. Beginning now will reduce your financial and emotional stress while you are undergoing dialysis.  End Stage Renal Disease If you suffer from chronic kidney disease, you know that after ten to twenty years, you are likely to develop end-stage renal disease, or ESRD. Read More …

Pedestrian Auto Accidents: Who Is To Blame?

27 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

In an accident involving a car and a pedestrian, assigning fault can sometimes be difficult. Some people automatically assume that the driver of the car is responsible, but this is not always the case. If you were the pedestrian in the accident, it is important that you understand how fault is determined and how it can impact your case.  Is the Driver Liable? In some situations, it is very clear whether or not the driver was at fault. Read More …

5 Reasons For A Motion To Dismiss Your Car Accident Lawsuit

27 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

After you have been injured in an automotive accident, you may decide to sue the motorist who caused the incident. Your right to receive the compensation that your lawsuit requests will be determined in court. However, your lawsuit could be dismissed before the court issues a determination. When a car accident attorney files a motion to dismiss, he or she requests that the proceeding be terminated. Here are a few reasons for filing a motion to dismiss: Read More …

Depression And Social Security Disability: What You Need To Know

23 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Depression has become increasingly common amongst Americans, as some 14.8 million people suffer from its debilitating effects. Trying to hold a job and provide for your family while depressed can be an almost overwhelming challenge. If you are unable to work at your job because of your depression, you may be able to qualify for monetary benefits from the Social Security Administration. Here's what you need to know about depression and collecting Social Security benefits. Read More …